Capability Analysis Tool to maintain industry currency

CURCAT®  measures, across the organisation, how frequently practitioners:

  • use personal and professional networks to remain current with regard to industry standards
  • tap into industry mentors or coaches to update skills and knowledge
  • undertake industry research including using Internet searching 
  • attend industry conferences, read trade journals, attend site visits
  • undertake study tours and maintain membership of industry associations.

The tool also measures how frequently practitioners intend to use the same strategies in future.

In addition, CURCAT® measures:

  • the extent to which the organisation and industry bodies assist practitioners
  • the extent to which practitioners take a planned approach to maintaining currency
  • the extent to which 14 different barriers affect practitioners’ maintenance of their currency
  • practitioners’ level of knowledge in relation to 11 aspects of their industry
  • the level and relevance of their industry skills in relation to the training and assessing practitioners provide.​

Why use CURCAT®?

Six fundamental reasons why VET practitioners need to be creative and flexible in their approach to maintaining their industry currency are:

  • All industries are different, so approaches to maintaining currency that suit one industry may not suit another
  • All industries keep changing, for instance with the introduction of new technologies and new products
  • As industries change, new workplace practices and processes are introduced and new skills are required
  • Governments are major agents for industry change, implementing new policies and regulations
  • Market competition means that different or new companies sometimes become dominant, using novel or breakthrough approaches
  • Customer preferences change and this forces changes on different parts of the industry, such as product designers, manufacturers and retailers. 

“We’re looking at a longer term workforce development plan and we’ll definitely use the VETCAT® and CURCAT® data to draft the plan, revisit the pillars and analyse at a local level what the CATS are telling us, and all of that will get fed into that strategic mix. We’re looking at the skills in the VETCAT® and CURCAT® model and developing a workforce development plan that will better target some of those.”

Keri Bailey

Director Strategic Organisational Development, Office DVC and Director TAFE, Swinburne University

CURCAT® will help your organisation:

  • remain current with regard to training and industry standards
  • plan to remain current or ahead of industry changes
  • identify strengths and weaknesses in staff knowledge related to the current state of the industry.

Skills measured in CURCAT®

Skills measured in CURCAT®

CURCAT® provides data about

  • the existing approaches to, and levels of, industry currency
  • the barriers practitioners face and the support they receive for maintaining their currency
  • practitioners’ aspirations for professional development related to industry currency
  • the directions to take for the future development of VET practitioners’ currency 

CURCAT® components include:

  • a staff awareness strategy and a launch workshop
  • an online survey that generates immediate reports for individual respondents
  • provision of group reports and a debrief for the organisation
  • advice and direction about ongoing development
  • guidance for ongoing reflection and discussion in the organisation about future business growth directions.

The CURCAT® survey contains more than 100 questions that measure the Engager or Researcher pathways, six sets of strategies and 27 specific strategies that VET practitioners use to maintain their industry currency.

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